About Us

Opal in Sky are twin brothers who share a deep passion for music and its limitless possibilities. These brothers are on a mission to write music that inspires, motivates, and encourages those who may be feeling lost.

From a young age, music has been an integral part of their lives. They grew up listening to a wide variety of genres and styles, and this diversity is reflected in their own musical creations. They draw inspiration from all around them - from the people they meet, the places they visit, and the emotions they experience.

Their music is a reflection of their shared values and beliefs. They believe that music has the power to heal, uplift, and bring people together. They are committed to creating music that is both meaningful and enjoyable, and their unique sound is a fusion of different styles and influences.

Their journey has not always been easy, but their passion and dedication have seen them through. As they continue to pursue their dream, their goal remains the same - to write music that resonates with their audience and helps them find their way in life. With their talent, passion, and commitment, these twin brothers are well on their way to leaving a lasting impact on the world of music.